Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chicken Head Ho.

Yea for anyone who reads my tweets knows how irritated I am tonite for a few reasons. First of all, we have 2 computers in this house. One of them has a virus, and I know why, but I won't say. Seeing that I used to be a Geek Squad agent, I'm of course expected to fix it. Well theres a few problems with that to begin with, A. theres about sixty seven bajillion photos and documents on it that need to be transfered to this laptop using 4 different memory cards since we dont have one huge one or an external harddrive. I would have uploaded them all to a hosting site except the virus wont let us do anything in IE. So Im sick of computers.

SECONDLY AND I JUST WANNA SCREAM THIS....but I wont...I will choose to be graceful about this...One of my old friends and business partners has absolutely zero creativity inside of her and chooses to copy me so much, that it's almost like a statement screaming in my face "I dont give a rats arse what you have in your shop, I like it, I want it, i wish I was you and so Im going to make it and put it in my shop." okay whatever do it, my sales put hers to same and thats not even being boastful, thats simply stating facts. ALSO, she has some new girl in the pics ive never seen before which I think is hilarious because she's actually pretty. The girl is I mean. Probably because she's really insecure about herself and realizes that all the items with her in the pictures don't sell. Enough.

I'll end on this note....

I'm so 3008, she so 2000 n LATE!


  1. HILARIOUS! I totally saw that new stuff in that certain shop you mentioned and you were all I could think of when I saw it. In fact, at first I thought it was exactly your item! How irritating! But it is true, your sales put hers to shame and your shop is 482 times cooler! Deal with it. =]
