Saturday, June 13, 2009


Its been awhile since I've posted a blog. Today I am going uptown with Dylan and my mom.

Guess what? Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson are coming to my city on July 29th! Im sooo excited! I will have to take Dylan and take pictures, what a great one to add to an album for him.

I'll be designing my new line within the next month, based off of two songs by the cure and of course kawaii goodness.

"Out of this world" and "Mint Car". Listen, you will love and adore!


  1. I so can relate, that pic is great!

  2. and you should use the song Jupiter Crash...
    and the some A letter to Elise
    and the song untitled

    Jupita <3s the Cure.
    Always and Forever.

    Trivia Question: What was the original name of The Cure?

  3. I just now saw this comment Jenn! And I happen to know the answer! Easy Cure :) <3

